Best Image Alt Text for SEO: Boost Your Rankings with These Tips

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Best Image Alt Text for SEO: Boost Your Rankings with These Tips

Image alt text is an essential element of on-page optimization for search engine optimization (SEO). It’s a concise description of an image that helps search engines understand what the image is all about. Alt text is also beneficial for users who are visually impaired, as it provides them with a text-based description of the image.

Effective image alt text is critical for SEO because it helps search engines understand the context of the image and its relevance to the content of the page. When search engines crawl a page, they rely on image alt text to determine the subject matter of the images on the page. The better the alt text, the more likely it is that search engines will rank the page higher in search results. However, it’s important to note that alt text should be used to describe the image and not to stuff keywords. Keyword stuffing can lead to penalties from search engines and negatively impact the page’s ranking.

Why Image Alt Text is Important for SEO

Image alt text, also known as alt tags or alt attributes, is an HTML attribute that describes the content of an image on a webpage. Alt text is important for SEO because it helps search engines understand the context and content of an image, which can improve the visibility and ranking of a webpage in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Here are some reasons why image alt text is important for SEO:

Improves Accessibility

Alt text is important for making web content accessible to visually impaired users who use screen readers to navigate the web. Screen readers read out the alt text of an image to the user, allowing them to understand the content of the image. By providing accurate and descriptive alt text, you can ensure that visually impaired users can access and understand the content of your web pages.

Enhances User Experience

Alt text can also improve the user experience of your website. When an image fails to load, the alt text is displayed in place of the image. By providing descriptive alt text, you can ensure that users understand the content of the image, even if they cannot see it.

Helps Google Understand Your Images

Google uses alt text to understand the content of images on a webpage. By providing accurate and descriptive alt text, you can help Google understand the context and content of your images, which can improve the ranking of your webpage in Google Images search results.

Increases Keyword Relevance

Alt text can also help increase the keyword relevance of your webpage. By including relevant keywords in your alt text, you can signal to search engines the content of your webpage and improve its relevance for those keywords.

In summary, image alt text is an important HTML attribute that can improve the accessibility, user experience, and SEO of your web pages. By providing accurate and descriptive alt text, you can help search engines understand the context and content of your images, which can improve the ranking of your webpage in search engine results pages.

Best Practices for Writing Image Alt Text

When it comes to optimizing images for SEO, writing effective alt text is crucial. Alt text, or alternative text, is the text that appears in place of an image if it fails to load or if the user is visually impaired and using a screen reader. In addition to making your website more accessible, alt text can also help improve your search engine rankings. Here are some best practices for writing image alt text:

Be Descriptive

The most important aspect of alt text is that it accurately describes the content of the image. This means being specific and using relevant details to help users understand what the image is about. For example, instead of simply writing “cat,” you could write “black and white cat playing with a toy mouse.” This provides more context for both users and search engines.

Keep it Short

While it’s important to be descriptive, it’s also important to keep your alt text concise. Screen readers will typically cut off alt text after a certain number of characters, so aim for 125 characters or less. This will also help ensure that your alt text doesn’t take up too much space on the page or distract from other important content.

Include Relevant Keywords

Just like with other on-page SEO elements, including relevant keywords in your alt text can help improve your search engine rankings. However, it’s important to avoid keyword stuffing and only include keywords that are relevant to the content of the image and the page as a whole. Conducting keyword research can help you identify the most relevant and effective keywords to use.

In summary, writing effective alt text is an important part of optimizing your images for SEO. By being descriptive, keeping it short, and including relevant keywords, you can improve both the accessibility and search engine visibility of your website.

Tools for Generating Image Alt Text

When optimizing images for SEO, it’s important to include descriptive alt text. However, coming up with alt text for a large number of images can be time-consuming. Fortunately, there are several tools available that can help generate alt text quickly and easily.

Google’s Vision AI

Google’s Vision AI is a machine learning tool that can analyze images and generate alt text based on its contents. It can identify objects, people, and even text within images. This tool is available through Google Cloud Platform and can be used to generate alt text for large numbers of images at once.

Microsoft’s Computer Vision API

Microsoft’s Computer Vision API is another machine learning tool that can analyze images and generate alt text. It can identify objects, people, and even emotions within images. This tool is available through Microsoft Azure and can be used to generate alt text for large numbers of images at once.

SEO Friendly Images Plugin

If you’re using WordPress, the SEO Friendly Images plugin can help generate alt text for your images. This plugin automatically generates alt text based on the image file name and can also add title attributes to images. Additionally, it can optimize the file names and sizes of your images for better SEO.

Using these tools can save time and ensure that your images have descriptive alt text for better SEO. However, it’s important to review the generated alt text to ensure that it accurately describes the contents of the image.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Image Alt Text

When it comes to optimizing your images for SEO, writing effective alt text is crucial. However, there are some common mistakes that people make when writing alt text that can negatively impact their SEO efforts. In this section, we’ll discuss some of these mistakes and how to avoid them.

Using Generic Phrases

One of the most common mistakes people make when writing alt text is using generic phrases like “image of” or “picture of” before describing the image. While this may seem like a good way to provide context, it actually adds unnecessary text that can be confusing for screen readers and search engines.

Instead, focus on describing the image itself. Use clear, concise language that accurately conveys what the image is about. For example, instead of saying “image of a woman walking her dog”, you could say “woman walking a golden retriever on a leash”.

Keyword Stuffing

Another mistake to avoid is keyword stuffing in your alt text. While it’s important to include relevant keywords in your alt text for SEO purposes, overusing them can actually hurt your rankings.

Instead, focus on using keywords that accurately describe the image and its content. Don’t try to shoehorn in irrelevant keywords or stuff your alt text with too many keywords. This can make your alt text sound unnatural and spammy.

Copying and Pasting Alt Text

Finally, it’s important to avoid copying and pasting alt text from other images on your site. Each image is unique and deserves its own alt text that accurately describes its content.

By copying and pasting alt text, you run the risk of using generic phrases or irrelevant keywords that don’t accurately describe the image. Take the time to write unique alt text for each image on your site to ensure that they are properly optimized for SEO.

In conclusion, writing effective alt text is an important part of optimizing your images for SEO. By avoiding these common mistakes and focusing on clear, concise language that accurately describes your images, you can help improve your search engine rankings and provide a better user experience for all of your visitors.


In conclusion, writing effective image alt text is crucial for both SEO and accessibility purposes. By providing accurate and descriptive alt text, you are helping search engines understand the content of your website and making it more accessible for visually impaired users who rely on screen readers.

Here are some key takeaways to keep in mind when writing alt text:

  • Be specific and descriptive. Use both the image’s subject and context to guide you.
  • Add context that relates to the topic of the page.
  • If the image doesn’t feature a recognizable place or person, then add context based on the content of the page.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing and keep your alt text concise and relevant.
  • Use natural language and avoid using repetitive or generic phrases.

Remember that alt text should accurately describe the content of the image, not just be a list of keywords. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your website is both accessible and optimized for search engines.

Overall, writing effective alt text is a simple but important step towards improving your website’s SEO and accessibility. By taking the time to craft accurate and descriptive alt text, you can make your website more user-friendly and improve your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages.

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