How to Check what Pages are Indexed on Google

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~4 mins

Understanding Google Search Console: A Deep Dive into Index Coverage

Google Search Console is a powerful tool that provides insights into how Google views your website. One of its key features is the Index Coverage report, which shows how many of your URLs have been submitted and indexed by Google. This blog post will delve into the importance of index coverage, reasons why some pages might not be indexed, and how to ensure your pages are included in Google's index.

Key Takeaways

  • Index coverage is a crucial aspect of technical SEO.
  • Not all submitted pages get indexed by Google.
  • Reasons for non-indexing could include duplicate content, improper internal linking, or lack of inclusion in the sitemap.
  • Regularly checking your index coverage in Google Search Console can help identify and rectify issues.

Table of Contents

Understanding Index Coverage

Index coverage refers to the number of pages on your website that Google has crawled and indexed. These are the pages that Google considers valid and can potentially rank in search results. It's important to note that just because Google crawls a page, it doesn't necessarily mean it will be indexed. Indexing and crawling are two distinct processes.

Reasons for Non-Indexing

There could be several reasons why some of your pages are not indexed. One common reason is duplicate content. Google aims to provide unique and valuable content to its users, so it tends to avoid indexing pages with duplicate content. Another reason could be that there's something on your website instructing Google not to index a particular page. This could be a 'noindex' tag or a robots.txt file blocking Google's access. Lastly, Google might not be able to reach a page due to poor internal linking or because the page is not included in your sitemap.

Checking Index Coverage

Google Search Console provides a comprehensive report on your website's index coverage. This report shows the number of valid pages that have been submitted and indexed. It also provides a list of these URLs, allowing you to verify that your important pages are included. If you find that some of your pages are not indexed, it's crucial to investigate and address the issue.

Improving Index Coverage

Improving your index coverage involves addressing the issues that prevent your pages from being indexed. This could involve removing duplicate content, fixing your internal linking, or ensuring all your pages are included in your sitemap. Regularly releasing new content and building links to your pages can also help Google find and index your pages more quickly.


Ensuring your pages are indexed by Google is the first step towards achieving good search rankings. By understanding and regularly checking your in Google Search Console, you can identify and rectify any issues that might be preventing your pages from being indexed. Remember, if a page is not indexed, it will never rank, so make index coverage a priority in your SEO strategy.

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