How to Fix 504 Gateway Timeout Error

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~27 mins

How to Fix the 504 Gateway Timeout Error on Your WordPress Site

Understanding and resolving the 504 Gateway Timeout Error on a WordPress site can be a daunting task for many website owners. This error, one of the most common HTTP 500 errors, can significantly impact a site's user experience and search engine ranking. This blog post provides an in-depth understanding of the 504 Gateway Timeout Error, its causes, and how to fix it. It also offers valuable resources for further reading and assistance.

Key Takeaways

  • The 504 Gateway Timeout Error occurs when a server times out waiting for a response from another server.
  • Various factors can cause this error, including server overload, DNS issues, and problems with plugins or themes.
  • Several strategies can help resolve this error, such as reloading the page, checking the site's downtime, rebooting network devices, and disabling proxy servers.
  • Monitoring your website's uptime and securing it against attacks can prevent future occurrences of this error.

Table of Contents

Understanding the 504 Gateway Timeout Error

The 504 Gateway Timeout Error is an HTTP status code that indicates a server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response from an upstream server it needed to access to complete the request. This error can manifest in various forms and can be displayed differently depending on the operating system, web server, browser, and user agent. It is similar to other HTTP 500 errors, such as the 502 Bad Gateway Error and the 503 Service Unavailable Error.

Common Causes of the 504 Gateway Timeout Error

The 504 Gateway Timeout Error is typically caused by server-side s. However, it can also be due to client-side problems, although these are rare. Some common causes include overloaded servers, DNS s, problems with network devices, incorrect proxy server settings, and s with content delivery networks (CDNs). In some cases, the size of uploads to the site or issues with the server's firewall can also cause this error.

Fixing the 504 Gateway Timeout Error

There are several strategies to fix the 504 Gateway Timeout Error. One of the first things to try is to wait a few minutes and reload the page. If this doesn't work, you can check whether the site is down for everyone or just you using online tools. Rebooting your network devices or disabling your proxy server can also help resolve the . If the error is due to DNS s, you can try flushing your local DNS cache or changing your client's DNS servers temporarily. If the issue is with your CDN, you can try disabling it temporarily.

Addressing Server Issues

Server s are one of the most common causes of the 504 Gateway Timeout Error. If your server doesn't have enough resources to handle the load, it may hang up trying to serve the website, resulting in the error. In such cases, upgrading to a server with better infrastructure can help resolve the issue. If the server's PHP workers are busy, increasing the number of PHP workers can allow your site to execute multiple requests simultaneously, preventing the error.

Dealing with Plugin and Theme Issues

While it's rare for third-party plugins and themes to cause 504 errors, they can sometimes cause server timeouts by queuing up a lot of uncached requests. Deactivating all plugins and then reactivating them one by one can help identify the problematic plugin or theme. Keeping your plugins, themes, and WordPress core up to date can also prevent this error.

Monitoring Your Website

Monitoring your website can help you identify how often it's down, which can be especially helpful if you're using a shared hosting provider. Tools like, Webgazer, and Uptime Robot can help you monitor your site's uptime. Securing your site against attacks can also prevent future occurrences of the 504 Gateway Timeout Error.


While the 504 Gateway Timeout Error can be frustrating and overwhelming, understanding its causes and knowing how to fix it can help you maintain a smooth user experience and keep your site's search engine ranking intact. Whether the issue is with your server, DNS, plugins, or themes, there are strategies you can employ to resolve the error and prevent future occurrences. Remember, if you're still finding it difficult to fix the error, you can always reach out to your host for help.

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