How to Fix the "Index Of /" Error - Missing index .htm/.html/.php File on Apache Folder

How to Fix the "Index Of /" Error - Missing index .htm/.html/.php File on Apache FolderPlay button
Video Duration
~12 mins

Understanding and Fixing the 'Index of' Page Issue on Your Website


When navigating a website, encountering a white page with the words 'Index of' followed by a list of files and folders can be quite disconcerting. This issue, often seen as a security risk, is usually caused by the absence of a properly named main page on the website. This blog post provides a comprehensive guide on understanding the 'Index of' page issue and how to fix it, ensuring your website runs smoothly and securely.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the 'Index of' page issue
  • Identifying the causes of the 'Index of' page issue
  • Steps to fix the 'Index of' page issue
  • How to prevent the 'Index of' page issue from reoccurring

Table of Contents

Understanding the 'Index of' Page Issue

The 'Index of' page issue is a common problem encountered by website owners. It occurs when a website's main page is either missing or not named correctly. As a result, the server displays a list of all the files and folders in the directory, which can pose a significant security risk. This is because it exposes potentially sensitive information, such as the names of admin folders or important files, to hackers or malicious visitors.

Identifying the Causes

The primary cause of the 'Index of' page issue is the absence of a properly named main page. Servers typically look for one of three names for the main page: index.htm, index.html, or index.php. If none of these are found, the server displays the 'Index of' page. Another common cause is the use of capital letters in the file name or extension. Linux-based servers, like those used by InMotion Hosting, are case-sensitive and will not recognize file names or extensions with capital letters.

Steps to Fix the Issue

Fixing the 'Index of' page issue involves ensuring that your main page is named correctly. First, check that you have a main page named either index.htm, index.html, or index.php. If you do, ensure that the file name and extension are all in lowercase. If you want to use a different name for your main page, you can do so by modifying the .htaccess file in your website's directory. This file allows you to specify a custom name for your main page, but remember to include the other index files in the list to prevent the 'Index of' page from appearing if the custom file is not found.

Preventing the Issue

Preventing the 'Index of' page issue from reoccurring involves taking a few precautionary measures. One such measure is to include the 'Options -Indexes' rule in your .htaccess file. This rule prevents the server from displaying the 'Index of' page, even if the main page is missing or not named correctly. Instead, visitors will see a '403 Forbidden' error, which is much more secure. Additionally, always ensure that your main page is named correctly and that all file names and extensions are in lowercase.


Understanding and fixing the 'Index of' page is crucial for maintaining the security and functionality of your website. By ensuring that your main page is named correctly and by taking the necessary precautionary measures, you can prevent this issue from occurring and keep your website running smoothly and securely.

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