How To Redirect In React - React Router V5 Tutorial | Redirecting, useHistory...

How To Redirect In React - React Router V5 Tutorial | Redirecting, useHistory...Play button
Video Duration
~10 mins

Mastering Redirection in React and React Router DOM: A Comprehensive Guide

In the ever-evolving world of web development, understanding how to effectively navigate and manipulate routes is crucial. This blog post delves into the intricacies of redirection in React and React Router DOM, a topic that has been a source of confusion for many developers. The post is based on a highly informative video tutorial that breaks down the two primary methods of redirection in React Router DOM, providing clear, step-by-step instructions and insights.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the two primary methods of redirection in React Router DOM.
  • Learning how to redirect based on user actions and authentication status.
  • Mastering the use of useHistory and Redirect components in React Router DOM.

Table of Contents

Understanding Redirection in React Router DOM

Redirection in React Router DOM can be a complex topic, especially for beginners. The confusion often stems from the fact that there are two primary methods of redirection, each suited to different scenarios. One method is used when redirection is triggered by a user action, such as clicking a button. The other method is used when redirection is based on the user's authentication status, such as when a user tries to access a restricted page without being logged in.

Redirecting Based on Actions

The first method of redirection in React Router DOM is triggered by user actions. This could be anything from clicking a button to submitting a form. In the video tutorial, this method is demonstrated using a simple login form. When the user clicks the login button, they are redirected to a profile page.

This redirection is achieved using the useHistory hook from React Router DOM. This hook provides access to the history instance that can be used to navigate. To redirect to a new route, the history.push method is used, passing the desired route as an argument.

Redirecting Based on Authentication

The second method of redirection in React Router DOM is based on the user's authentication status. This is particularly useful for restricting access to certain routes. In the video tutorial, this method is demonstrated using a profile page that should only be accessible to logged-in users.

If a user who is not logged in tries to access the profile page, they are redirected back to the login page. This is achieved using the Redirect component from React Router DOM. This component is returned instead of the profile page JSX when the user is not authenticated.

Using useHistory Hook

The useHistory hook is a powerful tool in React Router DOM. It provides access to the history instance, allowing developers to manipulate the browser history. The hook is used by declaring a variable and assigning it the value of useHistory. This variable, often named history, can then be used to navigate to different routes using the history.push method.

Using Redirect Component

The Redirect component is another essential tool in React Router DOM. It allows developers to redirect to different routes based on certain conditions. The component is used by returning a Redirect component instead of the usual JSX when a certain condition is met. The route to redirect to is specified using the to prop on the Redirect component.


Mastering redirection in React and React Router DOM is crucial for creating dynamic, user-friendly web applications. By understanding the two primary methods of redirection and how to use the useHistory hook and Redirect component, developers can effectively control the flow of their applications, enhancing user experience and security. While the topic can be complex, with clear explanations and practical examples, even beginners can grasp these essential concepts.

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