How to Solve "Alternate Page With Proper Canonical Tag" issue in Search Console

How to Solve "Alternate Page With Proper Canonical Tag" issue in Search ConsolePlay button
Video Duration
~5 mins

Understanding the Alternate Page with Proper Canonical Tag Issue in Google Search Console

In this insightful video, the speaker delves into the complex of the 'alternate page with proper canonical tag' in Google Search Console. The video provides a comprehensive explanation of the , its implications, and how to address it. The speaker uses simple language and relatable examples to make the complex understandable for all viewers. The video is a must-watch for anyone struggling with this issue or anyone interested in enhancing their SEO knowledge.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the 'alternate page with proper canonical tag' issue
  • How to log into Google Search Console and navigate to the issue
  • Explanation of the implications of the issue on website indexing
  • How to use canonical tags to indicate your preferred page to Google
  • Understanding the role of self-referencing canonical tags
  • Explanation of why Google may not index certain pages
  • Understanding the 'no index' tag and its implications

Table of Contents

Understanding the Issue

The 'alternate page with proper canonical tag' arises when multiple pages on a website have similar content. Google, in its quest to provide unique and relevant content to users, may choose to index only one of these pages. The speaker explains this issue using the example of a website with three pages having similar content.

The speaker provides a step-by-step guide on how to log into Google Search Console and navigate to the 'alternate page with proper canonical tag' issue. The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on the 'index' headline in the side bar and clicking on the 'pages' option to access the report that shows all indexed and non-indexed pages of the website.

Implications of the Issue

The speaker explains that if a website's co-ed page is not indexed, it means that Google has missed some URLs. The speaker further explains that Google may choose not to index certain pages for various reasons, and it is crucial to understand these reasons to address the issue effectively.

Using Canonical Tags

The speaker explains the role of canonical tags in indicating the preferred page to Google. By adding canonical tags to pages with similar content, website owners can tell Google which page they want indexed. The speaker uses the example of a website with three pages having similar content to explain this concept.

Self-Referencing Canonical Tags

The speaker introduces the concept of self-referencing canonical tags, which are used on the preferred page. This tag tells Google that the page is the canonical version of itself, reinforcing the message that this is the page to be indexed.

Google's Indexing Decisions

The speaker explains that Google may choose not to index certain pages based on the canonical tags. If Google agrees with the website owner's preference and indexes the preferred page, it will not index the other pages with similar content. This decision is reflected in Google Search Console as the 'alternate page with proper canonical tag' issue.

The 'No Index' Tag

The speaker warns against the use of the 'no index' tag along with the canonical tag. While the 'no index' tag tells Google not to index a page, using it with the canonical tag can create confusion and lead to unexpected results. The speaker advises against using the 'no index' tag unless absolutely necessary.


The video provides a comprehensive understanding of the 'alternate page with proper canonical tag' in Google Search Console. By understanding this and how to address it, website owners can improve their website's visibility on Google and enhance their SEO efforts. The speaker's simple and relatable explanations make this complex issue understandable for all viewers.

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