How to test a local website on your phone

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Video Duration
~8 mins

Effortless Local Website Testing on Multiple Devices

Web development is a complex process that involves numerous steps, with testing being one of the most crucial yet often frustrating stages. This is because a website may appear perfect on the developer's end, but issues may arise when accessed from different devices or browsers. With the diversity of devices used to access the internet today, ranging from high pixel density screens, laptops, iPhones, androids, tablets, and even mini tablets, it is essential to ensure that a website is usable and visually appealing across all platforms. This blog post provides a step-by-step guide on how to load a local website on a mobile device and have all code changes reflect instantaneously. This process is free and only requires a computer, a mobile device for testing, and a Wi-Fi connection.

Key Takeaways

  • Testing a website across different devices and browsers is crucial in web development.
  • It is possible to load a local website on a mobile device and have code changes reflect instantaneously.
  • This process requires a computer, a mobile device for testing, and a Wi-Fi connection.
  • Understanding and adjusting firewall settings may be necessary for successful local website testing.

Table of Contents

Setting Up the Local Server

Begin by installing the VS Code Live Server extension, which allows you to run your website on a local server. Once installed, you can easily launch your local server by clicking the 'Go Live' button. This will enable you to view your website on your computer.

Finding the Internal IP Address

Next, ensure that your mobile device is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your computer. This is crucial as the devices need to be on the same network for the process to work. You will then need to find the internal IP address that your network router is using. This can be done by opening a terminal window and typing in specific commands depending on whether you are using a Windows or Mac computer.

Loading the Website on a Mobile Device

Once you have your internal IP address, ensure that your local server is running. You can then open a browser window on your mobile device and type in the internal IP address and the port that your local server is running on. If done correctly, you should be able to view your local website on your mobile device.

Adjusting Firewall Settings

If you encounter an error message stating that the site cannot be reached, you may need to adjust your firewall settings. This involves allowing connections via the port that your local server is running on. You can do this by opening the Windows Defender Firewall and adding a new inbound rule. It is important to ensure that you do not allow connections from public networks to maintain security.

Viewing Real-Time Code Changes

One of the major advantages of this process is the ability to view real-time code changes on your mobile device. Whenever you make a change in your code and save it, the website will automatically refresh on your mobile device, displaying the changes. This can significantly streamline the testing process and save a lot of time.


Testing a website across different devices and browsers is a crucial aspect of web development. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, developers can easily load their local website on a mobile device and view real-time code changes. This not only makes the testing process less tedious but also ensures that the website is usable and visually appealing across all platforms.

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