SEO Ranking Factors in 2021 in Hindi | Page Experience, Mobile First Indexing and more

SEO Ranking Factors in 2021 in Hindi | Page Experience, Mobile First Indexing and morePlay button
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~9 mins

SEO Trends to Watch Out for in 2021

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so does the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The year 2020 saw significant changes in search and purchase patterns due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and these changes are expected to continue into 2021. This blog post will delve into the upcoming changes in SEO, discuss some ranking signals, and explore how SEO strategies are likely to evolve in 2021.

Key Takeaways

  • Complete mobile-first indexing will be a major factor in 2021.
  • Page experience will become a crucial ranking signal.
  • Structured data will play a significant role in SEO.
  • Focus on multimedia, local SEO, and user intent will be essential.
  • Technical SEO will become more important with the rise of AI and machine learning.

Table of Contents

Complete Mobile-First Indexing

Google plans to switch all websites to mobile-first indexing by March 2021. This means that Google will use the mobile version of your website for indexing and ranking. If a part of your website is not visible on smartphones, it will not be indexed or ranked. Therefore, it's crucial to check your website's smartphone version pixel by pixel and ensure all content is visible.

Page Experience

Starting from May 2021, Google will include page experience as a ranking signal. This means that the speed and responsiveness of your website will become a positive ranking factor. The page experience includes elements like fast loading, quick interactivity, visual stability, mobile-friendliness, safe browsing, HTTPS, and no intrusive interstitials.

Structured Data

Structured data helps search engines understand the content of a page and has been a focus for Google. It's expected to become a crucial factor in page experience. However, using or abusing structured data can lead to a manual penalty from Google, so it's important to understand and use it correctly.

Focus on Multimedia

Images and videos can significantly impact your SEO strategy. Properly optimized images can attract substantial traffic from image searches, and videos can help with SEO, branding, and lead conversion. Embedding videos on your website and adding video type structured data can attract a lot of traffic from the video section of Google search.

Local SEO

If your website is about a local business, focusing on local SEO can help your website rank locally and attract relevant traffic. Google My Business listings often appear in the first three spots and almost always on the first page, making local SEO a crucial part of your overall strategy.

User Intent

Understanding the intent of the user behind a keyword is as important as knowing the search volume of the keyword. If you're targeting a keyword with informational intent for an e-commerce store, you're unlikely to see results. Google's Quality Raters' Guidelines focus on fulfilling user needs, so understanding user intent is crucial.

Technical SEO

With the rise of AI and machine learning, technical SEO is becoming more important. AI-driven algorithms decide on ranking factors in real-time, making technical SEO a crucial aspect of your SEO strategy.


SEO is a constantly evolving field, and staying updated with the latest trends is crucial for success. By focusing on mobile-first indexing, page experience, structured data, multimedia, local SEO, user intent, and technical SEO, you can stay ahead of the curve and ensure your website ranks well in 2021.

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