Why a Page with Meta Tag Noindex May Still Index: Explained

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Despite adding a noindex meta tag to a webpage, it is not uncommon for the page to still appear in search engine results. This can be frustrating for website owners who want to keep certain pages hidden from search engines. The reason for this occurrence can vary, but it often boils down to how search engines crawl and index websites.

One reason why a page with a noindex meta tag may still be indexed is that search engines may not have crawled the page since the tag was added. This means that the search engine has not seen the tag yet and is unaware that it should not index the page. It is important to note that search engines do not crawl every page on a website regularly, so it may take some time for the noindex tag to take effect.

Another reason why a page with a noindex meta tag may still be indexed is that the tag may not have been implemented correctly. It is possible that the tag was not placed in the correct location or was not formatted properly. This can lead to search engines disregarding the tag and indexing the page as usual. It is important to double-check that the noindex tag is correctly implemented to ensure that search engines do not index the page.

Understanding the Meta Tag Noindex

What is a Meta Tag?

A meta tag is a piece of HTML code that provides information about a webpage to search engines. These tags are invisible to users and are placed in the head section of the HTML code. They are used to provide information about the page’s content, author, keywords, and more.

What is the Noindex Attribute?

The noindex attribute is a specific type of meta tag used to instruct search engines not to index a webpage. This means that the page will not appear in search engine results pages (SERPs) when users search for relevant keywords.

How Does Noindex Work?

When a search engine crawls a webpage, it reads the HTML code and looks for meta tags. If it finds a noindex tag, it will not add the page to its index. This means that the page will not appear in search results. However, it is important to note that search engines may still crawl the page and follow links on it, even if they do not index it.

It is also important to note that if a page has been previously indexed by a search engine before the noindex tag was added, it may still appear in search results until the search engine recrawls the page and updates its index.

In some cases, a page with a noindex tag may still appear in search results. This can happen if the page has not been recrawled by the search engine since the noindex tag was added. Additionally, if the page has external links pointing to it, search engines may still include it in their index, even if the noindex tag is present.

In conclusion, while the noindex attribute can be a useful tool for preventing pages from appearing in search results, it is not a foolproof method. It is important to regularly check that pages with the noindex tag are not appearing in search results and to use other methods, such as robots.txt files, to prevent search engine crawlers from accessing certain pages on your website.

Why Would a Page with Meta Tag Noindex Still Index?

Crawling and Indexing

One reason why a page with a noindex meta tag may still appear in search results is because search engines have not yet crawled the page since the noindex tag was added. This delay in crawling can occur due to various reasons, such as low importance of the page on the internet, or a low crawl rate for the website.

Another reason why a page with a noindex tag may still be indexed is due to inconsistencies in the implementation of the noindex tag. For example, if the noindex tag is added to the HTML code of a page, but the page is blocked from crawling by a robots.txt file, search engines will not be able to read the noindex tag and will continue to index the page. If you have a large javascript-heavy website, it might take time for search engines to crawl your page and process the changes.

Errors in HTML Code

Errors in the HTML code of a page can also cause a noindex tag to be ignored by search engines. For example, if the syntax of the noindex tag is incorrect, or if the tag is not placed in the correct location within the HTML code, search engines may not recognize the tag and will continue to index the page.

Inconsistencies in Noindex Implementation

Inconsistencies in the implementation of the noindex tag can also cause a page to be indexed despite the presence of the tag. For instance, if the noindex tag is added to the HTML code of a page, but the X-Robots-Tag HTTP header is not set to noindex, search engines may not recognize the tag and will continue to index the page.

To ensure that a page is not indexed by search engines, it is important to implement the noindex tag correctly and consistently. Webmasters can use tools such as the URL Inspection Tool in Google Search Console to check if a page is indexed and to troubleshoot any issues with the implementation of the noindex tag.

Common Noindex Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to implementing the noindex meta tag, there are a few common mistakes that website owners and developers make that can lead to pages still being indexed by search engines. Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid:

Duplicate Content

One of the most common mistakes is to use the noindex tag on pages that contain duplicate content. While this may seem like a good idea to avoid being penalized for duplicate content, it can actually lead to the original page being de-indexed instead. Instead, use canonical tags to indicate the original page and avoid duplicate content issues.

Login Pages

Another mistake is to use the noindex tag on login pages. While these pages may not be relevant to search engine users, they are still important for search engines to crawl and index in order to discover the rest of your site’s content. Instead, use robots.txt to block search engines from crawling these pages.

Thank-You Pages

Thank-you pages are often used to track conversions and provide users with confirmation that their action was successful. However, these pages should not be noindexed as they are important for tracking and analytics purposes. Instead, use a meta refresh tag to redirect users to a different page after a few seconds.

Landing Pages

Landing pages are designed to be highly optimized for specific keywords and phrases. While it may seem like a good idea to noindex these pages to avoid diluting your site’s overall SEO, it can actually hurt your site’s rankings. Instead, focus on creating high-quality landing pages that provide value to users and are optimized for relevant keywords.

Images, Files, and Directories

Finally, it’s important to remember that the noindex tag should only be used on pages that you don’t want search engines to index. This includes pages like images, files, and directories that are not relevant to search engine users. However, it’s important to use caution when using the noindex tag on these types of pages, as it can lead to unintended consequences. Instead, use robots.txt to block search engines from crawling these pages.

In summary, when using the noindex meta tag, it’s important to use it correctly and avoid common mistakes that can lead to pages still being indexed by search engines. By following best practices and using caution, you can ensure that your site’s pages are properly indexed and visible to search engine users.

Troubleshooting Noindex Issues

When a page is marked with a noindex meta tag, it should not appear in search engine results. However, there are situations where a page with a noindex tag may still be indexed by search engines. In this section, we will explore some troubleshooting steps to help identify and resolve these issues.

Using the URL Inspection Tool

Google’s URL Inspection Tool can be used to check whether a page is indexed and to see if it has a noindex tag. To use the tool, enter the URL of the page in question and click “Enter.” The tool will then display information about the page, including its indexing status and any issues that may be preventing it from being indexed.

If the page is indexed despite having a noindex tag, the URL Inspection Tool can help identify the reason. The tool will show whether the page is blocked by robots.txt or if there are any crawl errors.

Checking for Other Meta Tags

In some cases, a page may have conflicting meta tags that are causing it to be indexed despite having a noindex tag. For example, a page may have both a noindex tag and a canonical tag pointing to another page. In this case, search engines may choose to index the page based on the canonical tag.

To check for other meta tags, view the page source and look for any tags that may be conflicting with the noindex tag. If there are conflicting tags, remove them and resubmit the page for indexing.

Checking the Robots.txt File

The robots.txt file can also prevent pages from being indexed, even if they have a noindex tag. If a page is blocked by robots.txt, search engines will not be able to crawl it and will not see the noindex tag.

To check the robots.txt file, enter the URL of the page in question followed by “/robots.txt” (e.g. example.com/robots.txt). The file should include a line that allows search engines to crawl the page. If the line is missing or incorrect, update the file and resubmit the page for indexing.

In conclusion, troubleshooting issues with noindex tags requires careful examination of the page and its associated files. By using tools like the URL Inspection Tool and checking for other meta tags and robots.txt files, webmasters can identify and resolve issues that may be preventing pages from being properly indexed.


In conclusion, it is important to understand that the presence of a noindex meta tag on a webpage does not guarantee that the page will not be indexed by search engines. While the tag instructs search engines not to include the page in search results, there are several reasons why a page with a noindex tag may still be indexed.

One possibility is that the search engine has not yet crawled the page since the noindex tag was added. It may take some time for search engines to re-crawl a page and update their index accordingly.

Another possibility is that the noindex tag has been implemented incorrectly or is conflicting with other directives on the page. For example, if a page has both a noindex and a canonical tag, search engines may prioritize the canonical tag and index the page anyway.

Additionally, some search engines may choose to ignore the noindex tag in certain circumstances, such as if the page is considered to be of high importance or relevance to users.

It is important for webmasters and SEO professionals to carefully monitor their website’s indexation status and ensure that all relevant pages are properly tagged with noindex directives. If a page with a noindex tag is still appearing in search results, it may be necessary to request a re-crawl or investigate potential conflicts with other directives on the page.

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